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Case Study

CASE STUDY - Revolutionizing Organic Waste Management to Increase Efficiency

Incorporating new strategies, updated equipment, and vendors for commercial organic waste has helped client to achieve 100% diversion rates.

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A nationwide grocer that underwent significant investments to expand its business by manufacturing its own private label food items.


The new private label food manufacturing and production process creates more than 2,100 gallons of liquid organic byproduct daily that needs to be disposed of responsibly. Unfortunately, the initial program design, which included inadequate onsite storage and improperly executed hauling contracts, was creating inefficiencies that led to higher total operating costs and inabilities to reach the desired diversion rates. Additionally, maintaining the original onsite storage required regular sanitation that led to significant use of employee resources that were better used in the production process.


  • Minimal corporate resources available to properly and efficiently handle the recycling and waste streams
  • 100% compliance to all local, state and national regulations is required
  • Limited in house recycling and waste expertise, which inhibited the development of proper strategies that could both reduce the total operating costs and increase sustainability


Using Keter’s expertise, new strategies and equipment were implemented for the liquid organic waste program. This waste stream was right-sized to better meet the capacity needs, and vendor contracts were reworked to increase efficiencies through route adjustments and hauling frequencies. Additionally, the introduction of anaerobic digesting at a vendor site allowed for the repurposing of the byproduct.


Using the recycling and waste solutions that were introduced by Keter provided numerous benefits for this client, which can be divided into two categories: savings and sustainability.

New equipment and improved process led to total program operating costs to reduce by 67% annually. State regulations require organic waste generating businesses such as this one to arrange for recycling services, and they must maintain 100% compliance or risk significant liabilities.

The signifiant portion of this partnership is in the increased sustainability goals being achieved. The new process of anaerobic digestion produces three commodities: biofuel, compost, and liquid fertilizers. This has helped divert more than 766,500 gallons of this waste from the landfill each year, which prevents the decomposition of the waste which results in greenhouse gases being released.

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